Goji berries, also called wolf fruit, berries are used in Tibet for over 1,700 years.Tibetan medicine includes these berries in the treatment of kidney problems, liver problems, lowering cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, cleans the blood, eye problems, skin rashes, psoriasis, depression, allergies, insomnia, chronic liver disease, diabetes and tuberculosis. Goji is also used by the people of Tibet to increase longevity and as a general tonic. There are annual festivals held in honor of this fruit Goji. Many of the people in some areas of Tibet and elsewhere who regularly eat Goji live even 100 years without health problems. Many people who now eat Goji fruit daily say they help improve eyesight, restoration of hair color, improves mood, energy level visibly improves, sleep, immunity, and have more joy for life.
Nutritional information on Goji:
• 18 amino acids including the 8 essential amino acids
• 21 trace elements, including zinc, calcium, germanium, selenium and phosphorus
• One of the largest sources of antioxidants (anti-aging effect).
• More protein than whole wheat (13%)
• 180% of the required daily vitamin A (in 30 grams of Goji).
• Vitamins B1, B2, B6
• Vitamin E (which is very rare in fruits)
• More vitamin C in 30 grams of goji than in an orange
• Contains anti-inflammatory agent beta-sitosterol, which reduce cholesterol
• Essential fatty acids such as omega-6 linoleic acid that regulate hormones and promote fat loss
• Contains a complete spectrum of antioxidant carotenoids, including beta-carotene (a better source than even carrots) and zeaxanthin (protects the eyes). Goji is the richest source of carotenoids of all known foods.
• Iron - 15 times more nutritious than spinach
• antibacterial and antifungal• generates a feeling of wellbeing and optimism - Goji is known as "happy berries"
• Strengthens the immune system
Through high content of germanium and selenium has a protective role of the liver, beneficial in patients undergoing chemotherapy.
Goji complex compounds containing the following:
• beta-sitosterol, an anti-inflammatory agent. Beta-sitosterol also lowers cholesterol.
• Cyperone, a compound that benefit the heart and blood pressure, relieves menstrual discomfort, and has been used to treat cervical cancer.
• Vetivone Sola, a powerful compound anti-fungal and anti-bacterial.
• Physalin, a natural compound that is active against all major types of leukemia. Has been shown to increase the activity of natural killer cells from normal and tumor-bearing mice with anti-cancer spectrum. It has been used as a treatment for hepatitis B.
• Betaine which is used by the liver to produce choline, a compound that calms nervousness, enhances memory, promotes muscle growth, and protects against fatty liver disease.
Goji is rich in essential fatty acids, the healthy Omega acids, which are necessary for the production of hormones and for the smooth functioning of the brain and nervous system. In particular, linoleic acid is abundant.
Even more ...
Modern science has shown that this berry bright red contain not only an extremely high level of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals but also contain many phytochemicals unique polysaccharides, and complex compounds that scientists are only beginning to ii understand.
What do Goji taste like?We find almost exclusively dried Goji. They have the same texture as raisins and a sweet-sour taste.
Goji - how much to eat?
I read in various articles as recommended in the beginning only 2-3 grams of goji (variant of dried fruit) a day. Due to its high Vitamin C Content, it can cause diarrhea, so it is recommended to start with some berries per day until the digestive system and body get used.Some people have reported strange sensations in the first 2 weeks of consumption of Goji, that's because fruits cause balancing and cleansing of the organs, especially the liver. If sensations are unpleasant, we recommend reducing the amount consumed until the body gets used.
Although it does not have many contraindications, it is better for pregnant and breastfeeding women not to eat these fruits, they stimulate the uterus.Also, those who have problems with blood pressure should eat these fruits with care.
What can we combine Goji with?
Goji berries power can be increased in combination with other herbs:
- With Ginseng - for energy, vitality, libido, balance the nervous
- With Maca - fertility, libido, aphrodisiac
- Spirulina and chlorella (these are some algae) - to supplement with minerals and vitamins, weight loss, energy
- With Turmeric - antioxidant, anti-aging, prevent cancer, anti-inflammatory
- With Acai berries - for the immune system, digestion, cardiovascular disease
Goji recipes
- For breakfast
I bought dried Goji fruit and most of all I like to "throw" a few of them in my yogurt. I add diced fruit (whatever available: banana, pear, raspberry, strawberry fruit ... anything goes), half a teaspoon of bran and half a teaspoon of chia seeds.However, you can use your imagination to do combinations and use what you like best.
- In salads
It may seem strange to put fruit salad but really good. As pomegranate are extremely delicious in a vegetable salad, so happens with Goji. Put some Goji berries 10 minutes in water to "swell" (just as you do with raisins), then add them to the salad.
- Chinese soup with goji
I found many recipes of Asian chicken soup with goji .. with countless or strange and unknown ingredients .. eventually I found a more "European" recipe with relatively few ingredients, and it is delicious . Here is the recipe for 4 servings:• 400g chicken on the bone (I used leg)
• A few slices of fresh ginger (or ½ teaspoon of ginger powder)
• About 3 liter chicken broth
• A large onion
• 12 mushrooms (shiitake preferred, but any mushroom will do) sliced thin
• 50-75g goji fruit (depending on how many you can eat)
• Salt and pepper
I first boiled the chicken to get the soup . Remove chicken from broth, take the bone out and cut in pieces (as large as you like teh pieces). Put the meat in a pan and simmer with onion and ginger. If it seems like it burns or just because you like it a litte more fatty, you can add a little olive oil or coconut oil. Put everything in chicken broth and let simmer for an hour. Cut the mushrooms into slices and add them to the soup. Add the goji into the soup. Let simmer 2for another 20-30 minutes.Adjust taste with salt and pepper.
Otherwise, the Goji berry can be used exactly as raisins, only in smaller quantities.
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