Raspberries - a jewel of nature

Today I have decided to write about a very common fruit. Common or not, this jewel of nature is the perfect proof that someone up there really loves us: Raspberries.


We find it everywhere: on roadsides, woods, gardens and even in supermarkets. The best Raspberry is however, the natural one that you collect in the forest. Varieties bought in supermarkets are commercial varieties, productive, but they lack the specific raspberry flavor.


Originally from Asia, raspberries is used in therapy for over 2000 years. It is a true collection of minerals manganese, magnesium, calcium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, all in forms easily assimilated, plus vitamins A, B1, B2, D and P, especially vitamin C, present in large quantities. Only in this list, and we realize that raspberry is a real source of health, each fruit or as a variant of the highly successful natural supplements of vitamins and minerals that are found in pharmacies. It must be said, however, that these substances can be assimilated exclusively from fresh raspberries and a slightly smaller extent, from the frozen, but not in the cooked. Therefore, to obtain the desired therapeutic effects, we will target only fruit consumption as such, preparations being ineffective.


What is raspberry good for? I will present below some treatments, the text is taken entirely from Formula-As Magazine, No. 924/2010, article by Ilie Tudor:

"Raspberry in domestic consumption

The minimum dose to achieve the benefits from the use of these fruit is 150 grams per day. Incidentally, this is the minimum recommended daily portion of nutritionists, be it raspberries, strawberries, cherries or strawberries. Already, in this dose, the fruits are beginning to have effects of disease prevention. To heal some diseases, it is necessary to increase the dose more and establish a certain time of administration. In other words, we need a cure.


Raspberries Cure

Consume before each meal, 150-300 g of fruit on an empty stomach for 12 days in a row. Then do not eat anything at least an hour. Sugar added to the raspberries will cancel the effect of raspberries in diabetes and ulcer.

Raspberry syrup

Raspberry fruit thoroughly wash, crush with a fork, put in a fine mesh gauze and squeeze, yielding a clear juice. Over this juice add honey (3 glasses of honey to a glass of juice) and mix well, then let to homogenize for 7 days. It is used as such, administered by spoon or diluted with water as a refreshing drink.


Raspberry Tea

Pick the peaks of the Raspberry bushes - with some fruits and leaflet - make of them small bouquets and keep them in well ventilated places. After drying, chop and use in getting a flavored tea, with exceptional healing properties: 1-2 teaspoons of ground plant to  a cup of boiling water and boil 1 minute over low heat, then leave for 15 minutes to cool and filter. Consume 2-4 cups per day.


Raspberries in preventive treatments

* Lung diseases, susceptibility to colds, hoarseness - raspberry syrup consume 4-6 tablespoons daily. This syrup and raspberry tea sweetened with honey is a remedy savior for people who require very vocal chords (teachers, singers, lecturers etc.).
Susceptibility to bronchitis in children with recurrent tonsillitis, a cure at the mountain raspberry is consumed daily, is beneficial amazing.
* Macular degeneration - the high content of anthocyanins (substances that give texture raspberry) and vitamins (especially vitamin C and B vitamins), the fruits of raspberry, it recommends as an excellent means of preventing macular degeneration. A study published in the American journal "Archives of Ophthalmology" shows that people who eat raspberries and other fruits red or black (which shows the presence of certain pigments) of at least 5 times a week had a risk of doing macular degeneration with 36% less than people who eat these fruits rarely or never.


* Cancerous disease - certain substances contained raspberry (phenols) have a potent anti-oxidant, preventing occurrence of mutations and malignancy of cells in the human body. Studies in China and the United States shows that those who frequently consume fruits such as raspberries, cherries red and black, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, blackcurrants have a far lower risk of cancer than people who do not eat these fruits . Moreover, people who consumed this food-drug and reached, however, some form of cancer disease have better chances of survival.
* Premature aging - a very complex study, conducted in the United States by a team led by dr. J. Beekwilder showed that raspberry is extremely rich in antioxidant substances being - it seems - the strongest fruit in this sense. Antioxidants protect the body from raspberries so-called free radicals, which cause accelerated aging of tissues, DNA degeneration and the development of specific illnesses old age. To benefit from the antioxidant effect of raspberries, it should be eaten daily 150 grams of this fruit, even in the course of seven days. In extending the cure with raspberries and other fruits can be eaten summer, with similar effects, such as red currants, blueberries or blackberries.


Internal treatments

* Colon cancer - a study of experimental medicine made in China under the leadership of dr. C. Huang show that administration raspberry reduce the risk of developing colon cancer. The "blame" for this effect are phenolic substances from raspberries, talking about earlier, preventing malignancy normal cells and inhibit tumor growth already exist. And dietary fiber, which is very rich raspberry that systematically cleans the digestive tract, are an active factor in preventing cancer of the colon and rectum.
Administration raspberry, 150-300 grams each day, slows the disease, helps normalize bowel movements and maintain physical and mental tone of the cancer patient.

* Prostate cancer - this is an incredibly simple recipe results also incredibly good: every morning and evening on an empty stomach, consume each 150 grams of raspberries. The treatment is for a minimum of four weeks. Many of those who followed him have remarked simply, a decrease of prostate tumor size. For now, though there were reports of growing in this sense, a clinical trial has not yet been realized. The researchers proposed that the extraordinary effect of raspberries in prostate cancer would be due to hormonal regulatory effect of this fruit, felt especially in the gonads.
It is noteworthy the fact that considerable improvements by taking raspberries were reported with prostate adenoma.
* Constipation - raspberry is the fruit richest in dietary fiber, the indigestible substances, which acts as a piston, pushing waste material in the intestine. Also, organic acids and complex sugars in these fruits helps normalize intestinal flora. As such, cure raspberry is one of the simplest and most effective ways to get rid of constipation. Consuming 30 minutes before breakfast and dinner, a portion consistency (less than 100 grams) of raspberry, possibly mixed with a little honey and a few tablespoons of liquid Bifidus yoghurt. The treatment lasts at least 10 days and can be resumed after a break of four days, if you feel the need.


* Heartburn, peptic ulcer - is made with raspberry cure for 12 days, the fruit being eaten plain, without sugar or honey. During the fall and spring, will regularly drink raspberry tea - at least 2 cups a day - its leaves and antacids having great healing effects.
* Digestive candidiasis - a Finnish study, undertaken by Dr. J.P. Rauh, shows that fruit scents of raspberry are a real enemy for Candida albicans. The anthocyanins contained by these fruits inhibit the growth of this fungus and help eliminate it from the body. We recommend a course of 12 days, during which daily consume a mixture of fresh raspberries 100 grams, 400 grams of Bifidus yoghurt and honey to taste. All these components can be mixed using a mixer (blender) and the resulting preparation is consumed on an empty stomach, in several occasions, before main meals. Is a treatment that restores delicious in taste and microbiological equilibrium in the entire digestive tract.
This cure is a good adjuvant and genital candidiasis.

Just natural raspberry have a  medical effect

* Diabetes - raspberry belongs to a special category of fruit which, although containing a high percentage of sugars, their administration in doses of 150-200 grams daily does not lead to noticeable increases in blood sugar levels. Moreover, raspberries stabilizes blood sugar, stimulates the pancreas (both endocrine secretion, and the exocrine), stimulates diuresis and normalizes cholesterol levels.
Treatment with raspberries is very effective, especially for preventing cardiovascular complications of diabetes, if you give up eating meat and eat mostly vegetables and fruits.
* Allergy - raspberry is a good source of quercetin, a substance that reduces the allergic reaction, with antihistamine and immunomodulatory effect.
Further, raspberries contain large amounts of vitamin C, 300-400 grams of this fruit, administered in a single meal, bringing a massive intake of this vitamin, which reduces allergy.
* Irregular periods, heavy bleeding or painful - tea leaves and raspberry fruit do wonders in this category of ailments. Personally, I have seen cases in which severe menstrual disorders that have not responded to any other form of treatment, was stabilized in a few weeks, 3-4 cups of raspberry tea consumed daily. Women who suffer from constipation will not consume tea, but fruit powder and dried leaves, obtained with electric coffee grinder - 4 teaspoons each day. Treatment is true in all heavy bleeding as an adjunct.


* Obesity, weight gain - diet with raspberries, made a longer period of time, amazingly powerful effects for regulating body weight. The secret lies in the fact that, in larger quantities (over 200 g) raspberries curb appetite, reducing gastric secretions and even "anesthetized" hunger, including sweet desire. Also, a trace element content of the abundance of raspberry - manganese - increases the metabolic rate, helping us to "burn" calories above all increase when we move.
* Lowered immunity - and its close relative raspberry, blackberry, are two exceptional stimulators of immunity. Consume 150-300 grams each day for one of these fruits in diets for 12 days minimum.
Both contain large amounts of vitamin C (300 grams ensure more than required for a full day), and anthocyanin pigments, substances that stimulate the production of immune cells and activates existing ones.
* Pregnancy - a cup of tea raspberry, drunk every day is an excellent remedy during pregnancy, is considered by some experts as the best tea during pregnancy. This remedy prevents nausea, prevents bleeding, reduce pain and help, it seems, even to preserve pregnancy.
Fresh fruit, in turn, will be eaten in moderation, no more than 100 grams per day as in the past were used in large quantities to ease childbirth, with uterine tonic.
* Adjuvant in cystitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis - raspberry catalyze healing cure these diseases with adjuvant role for both allopathic treatment by antibiotics and for natural treatment by phytotherapy. Raspberry stimulates diuresis, increases the capacity of natural body defense against bacterial infections.
Also, this fruit contains substances with anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, reducing the sensations of burning and embarrassment at reno-urinary apparatus.
* Adjuvant in rheumatism - keeping a cure raspberry, with a duration of 12 days, during which a daily consume 300 grams minimum. Phenols and salicylic acid (aspirin-like substance) of raspberry fruit reduces inflammation of the joints, relieves pain and helps in regaining joint mobility. Then, raspberries is extremely rich in vitamin C, considered among the most powerful agents to prevent rheumatic disease.
A study on a large number of people (20,000 subjects) shows that vitamin C supplementation in the diet entails a 40% reduction in the frequency of rheumatic flares.
* C vitamin deficiency - a dose of only 300 grams of raspberries provide approximately 110% of its vitamin C for an adult. People who have a deficiency of this vitamin will each consume 400 grams of raspberries, minimum, for two weeks. This "overdose" of vitamin C is extremely favorable conditions such as allergy, asthma, virozele respiratory diseases accompanied by fever and inflammation in general.


Raspberry and beauty

From the outset, it must be said that raspberry, taken internally, probably the result of reintineritoare most powerful properties.

A comparative study shows that it has antioxidant 1.5 times more intense than strawberries, 3 times more intense than kiwi and 10 times more intense than tomatoes. This is because raspberries contains over 20 antioxidant substances that prevent aging tissues, helps to retain youthfulness and vigor biological organism.
As such, internal cure Raspberry is a true elixir of youth, as we shall see completed and two external applications for skin:
* To combat wrinkles - 6 tablespoons of fresh raspberries combine with electric mixer with 3 tablespoons of yogurt, forming a paste that is applied as a mask on the cheeks, chin, forehead and cheekbones. The mask is held for 15 minutes, then remove by washing with a cotton swab dipped in warm water or chamomile tea. The treatment is done once every 1-3 days. Elasticizing effect of the skin, restoring its firmness and radiance.
It is good that after treatment to be applied externally with raspberries and a moisturizer to prevent dry skin.
* Oily skin, seborrheic - raspberry fruits are taken as to enter into a regular glass (200 ml), washed thoroughly and then mash them until it turns into a paste. Add a tablespoon of liquid honey and then mix well to homogenize. This paste is applied evenly to the skin of the cheeks, taking 15-20 minutes, then remove with warm water. It is a treatment for degreasing and toning effect on the skin, which helps close pores and prevents inflammation. Before making this treatment, we will ensure that we do not have allergy to these fruits, applying them on a very small portion of skin and waiting, then less than 20 minutes to see if there are no swelling or itching case
we abandon the application.

Precautions and contraindications

* Pregnant women will not consume more than 100 grams of raspberries per day.
* People suffering from colitis or irritable bowel syndrome fermentation will consume with caution raspberries in small doses at first to prevent possible intestinal disturbances.

I personally eat every day a handful of raspberries (ca.100g) crushed a Greek yogurt with müsli and a tablespoon of agave syrup (you can substitute with honey or maple syrup).

I must say that after only a month already we have seen amazing results: I usually have really bad cramps when I get my period but since I eat raspberries, the pain has improved significantly and almost disappeared. In the last two menstrual periods I have passed the first day (that painful one) with only 1 maximum 2 painkillers (light not the hardcore stuff as usual -  the first day  I was usually sitting in bed with a warm bottle on my belly ... I even happened to have episodes of vomiting
and other "beautiful things ").

That being said (and tested), I wish you a good appetite for this wonderful fruit!

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