Superfoods - chia seeds

Chia seeds are known from antiquity of the current region of Mexico. The Aztecs and Mayans used chia - is considered one tablespoon of chia provides the energy of a warrior for 24 hours. Moreover, in Mayan chia is translated into power.

Chia is an edible seed of the plant Salvia Hispanica, from the mint family.

Nutritional profile of chia:

- Fibers 42%
- Protein
- Omega 3, Omega 6
- Calcium 18%
- Copper
- Phosphorus
- Potassium
- Zinc

Chia also contain essential fatty acids, alpha-linolenic acid and linoleic acid, mucin, strontium, vitamins A, B, E and D and minerals, including sulfur, iron, iodine, magnesium, manganese, niacin, thiamin and they are a rich source of antioxidants.


1. Skin and Aging

A study in Mexico found that chia seeds can neutralize even up to 70% of free radicals, one of the most powerful natural anti-oxidants.Chia seeds help regenerate skin faster and helps against premature aging.
2. digestive system and Diabetes

Extremely rich in fiber (around 11g fiber per 30 grams of chia), chia seeds help balance insulin levels and thus balancing blood sugar levels. Because of the fibers contained, chia helps the digestive system and helps the body to function healthily, regulates the stool and give a feeling of fullness. Therefore the consumption of chia is indicated in diets.

When you consume chia, it forms a kind of gelatin in the stomach, which acts as a probiotic, supporting the growth of probiotic bacteria in the digestive system.

3. Heart and Circulation

The consumption of chia seeds is indicated for heart health, anti-inflammation and because of its ability to reduce cholesterol.

Studies of human and non-human available indicates a possible efficacy for allergies, angina, improve athletic performance, cancer, coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke, hormonal / endocrine disorders, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, stroke, and vasodilatation . Some evidence also suggests that chia seeds have possible anticoagulant, antioxidant and antiviral effects.

Chia seeds are rich in linoleic acid, a fatty acid that helps the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. For such a small seed, chia is quite high in healthy fats, omega-3 offering more fatty acids than salmon. Omega-3 protects the heart by lowering blood pressure, bad cholesterol, and inflammation. Inflammation can put pressure on blood vessels and cause heart disease. So, eating chia seeds can boost and protect your heart!

4. Energy and metabolism

Chia seeds added in the diet  helps burn visceral fat, that fat belly who is evil and dangerous for your organs.
It has been shown through studies that a chia-based beverage  give athletes as much energy as those  Gatorade type juices, but without the sugar intake from them.

5. Bones

30 grams of chia seeds contain 18% of the RDA of Calcium. Calcium is essential for bone health and strength. Chia also contains boron, another essential nutrient for bone health. Boron helps metabilzarea calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and helps healthy growth of bones and muscles.

6. Cancer Prevention

Due Omega3 and omega 6 alpha-linolenic acid content, chia help prevent cancer. It has been shown that alpha-linolenic acid kills cancer cells without attacking the healthy ones. There are still many studies still needed, but the beginning is promising.

7. Pregnancy

Omega 3 fatty acids are extremely important for baby's brain development. Most people tend to supplement their intake of Omega 3 by eating fish or taking fish oil pills. But over mercury content tends to make mothers skeptical regarding its consumption during pregnancy. Chia is also a good alternative.
Pregnancy taxes a woman's body to the max. Therefore it is very important to replace these nutrients. Chia is rich in essential substances such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, zinc, iron and niacin. In the last 3 months of pregnancy, calcium intake is extremely important for baby's skeletal development, and chia is extremely rich in calcium.
A high or fluctuating blood sugar during pregnancy is extremely dangerous. Chia helps here, by balancing insulin and slowers conversion of sugar and carbohydrates into energy.
It is recommended to gradually start eating chia. Due to high fiber content, it is desirable to give your digestive system a little time to get used to new duties. Start with one teaspoon daily and then weekly increase amount to 1.5-2 tablespoons per day.
Chia can absorb water / liquid up to 12 times its volume so it is extremely important to increase the normal consumption of water when you eat chia.

How you can consume chia
As I have described in the post with goji, my breakfast consists of a yogurt to which i add:- 3 tablespoons wheat bran or muesli - Fresh fruits (raspberry, banana, pear, etc.)- Some goji- 1 teaspoon of chia
Chia seeds can be added to a smoothie of any kind, simply  add a tablespoon or teaspoon of chia when your favourite smoothie is ready.
Chia pudding:½ cup of chia seeds needs 2 cups of liquid.
I recommend the coconut milk, almond milk, rice milk, normal milk or even plain water.I personally love with almond milk. :)
Put the milk in the blender. Add sweetener (maple syrup or agave - ca. ¼ cup or less - sugar or stevia, as you like).If desired, you can add fruit (raspberries, blueberries, banana, pear, etc.), flavours (vanilla, oranges, etc.), powder (cinnamon, matcha) or even chocolate. Sounds good, right? You can go as crazy as you like with the combinations.
After you blended all ingredients, add chia seeds and mix well. Leave the mix for at least 4 hours or overnight in order for the chia seeds to have time to produce that specific gel.
You can divide the mixture into 4 portions from the start and in the end can be served with fruit on top, maybe even a leaflet of mint, for design.
I wish you good appetite!


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