Christopher Columbus brought sweet potatoes to Europe after his first voyage to the New World in 1492. By the 16th century, they were brought to the Philippines by Spanish explorers in Africa, India, Indonesia and South Asia by the Portuguese. Around the same time sweet potatoes began to be cultivated in the southern United States and remains a staple food in traditional cuisine.
Worldwide, about 80 million tonnes of sweet potatoes are grown in China each year, following Africa, which produces about 14 million tons, Central America and South about 2 million, and the U.S. about 1 million tons. In the US, more than half of all commercially grown sweet potatoes come from southern states (especially North Carolina).Sweet potato - this lovely orange potato is perhaps one of the sources of beta-carotene unparalleled in nature. Beta-carotene is converted by the body into vitamin A, and one serving of sweet potatoes can provide up to 400% !!! From the daily requirement of vitamin A.
Also, the sweet potato is an excellent source of potassium and fiber.Many studies have suggested that higher consumption of plant foods such as sweet potatoes lowers the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and overall mortality while promoting a healthy, high levels of energy, and less weight .
If you want to make the most of beta-carotene in sweet potatoes, it is best to add a few grams of fat per meal. An olive oil or coconut oil, or any vegetable oil helps the body absorb nutrients more efficiently.Sweet potato has a low glicemic index and the best way to keep this property and to keep their nutritional value, it is to cook potato by steaming or boiling.
Sweet potatoes - what are they good for?
1. Diabetes
As I said, sweet potatoes have a low glycemic index, and recent studies have shown can reduce episodes of increasing blood sugar and reduce insulin resistance. The fiber in sweet potatoes helps also. Studies have shown that diabetics who consume sweet potatoes have better glucose levels and lower blood lipid levels and insulin .A medium sweet potato contains ca. 6 grams fiber (with the peel). Recommendation of consumption is 21-25 grams of fiber per day for women and 30-38g for men, so sweet potato intake in the daily requirement is important.
2. Blood Pressure
Maintaining a low sodium intake is essential for lowering blood pressure, however increasing potassium intake may be as important. Less than 2% of adults achieve the recommended daily 4,700 mg of potassium. A medium sweet potato provides about 542 milligrams.Also of note, high potassium intake is associated with a 20% decrease in risk of death (from any cause).
3. cancer
The rich content in beta-carotene plays a protective role against prostate cancer (study conducted at Harvard) and a study in Japan demonstrated effectiveness against colon cancer.
4. digestion
Due to its high fiber, sweet potato helps digestion, significantly reducing constipation and associated problems.
5. fertility / pregnancy / breastfeeding
Because beta-carotene is converted by the body into vitamin A, sweet potato helps to enhance the fertility of women, and to better synthesize hormones during pregnancy and / or lactation.
6. immunity / inflammation
Plants like sweet potato, rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene, provides a boost immunity through their combination of powerful nutrients.Choline is a nutrient important and versatile in the sweet potato and helps with sleep, muscles, learning and memory. Choline is a B vitamin category with a role in lipid synthesis, positively affects brain development and memory, and is the raw material of which are synthesized substances that form cell membranes, etc.Purple sweet potato extract was shown to have positive effects anti-inflammatory and anti-lipogenic anti-oxidant, free radical elimination.
Nutritional value
A medium sweet potato offers:- 162 calories- 0 grams fat- 37g carbohydrates (including 6 grams fiber and 12 g sugars)- 3.6g proteinA medium sweet potato will provide:-> 100% of daily vitamin A- 37% of the RDA of vitamin C- 16% of the RDA of vitamin B6- 10% of pantothenic acid- 15% of the RDA of potassium- 28% of daily manganese- Low and calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamin E, thiamin and folate.
How to choose and store sweet potatoes
Choose potatoes that are firm skin without "wrinkles" without cuts and without spots.Do not choose never refrigerate sweet potatoes, modify them unpleasantly cold taste.At home, store sweet potatoes in a cool, dark place at a maximum of 15 degrees Celsius. Preferably in bulk, paper bag with holes for ventilation.If you buy organic potatoes, bio, you can eat it with all the bark, but those who are not bio / organic peel may have wax on it and it is better to peel. After peeling, the potato begins to oxidize, so it's better to cook it immediately after peeling or retain it in cold water completely covered.
How to cook them
Retains its best if they are steamed or boiled. Meanwhile, extra fat helps retain nutrients better.I personally still testing various ways to consume these sweet potatoes, but so far most of all I like the tray in the oven.Here are some recipes:
3 small sweet potatoes (ca.1kg)
1 tablespoon and a half of olive oil with garlic flavor
½ teaspoon mustard powder (optional - you can also use mustard or you do not use at all)
Rosemary 2 teaspoons chopped fresh
½ teaspoon salt
Preheat oven to 450 °.P
eel sweet potatoes cut each potato lengthwise into 8 wedges. In a large bowl, combine the sweet potatoes and remaining ingredients; Mix well so that oil and spices binen cover every piece of potato.Arrange potatoes in a single layer on a baking sheet. Potato Bake at 450 ° C for 30 minutes or until they are soft and slightly browned, turning after the first 15 minutes. Serve immediately.
Salad with sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes (more little ones, not great) peel and cut in half or into quarters, brush with olive oil and bake (as above, on a baking paper) to 425-450 degrees. They are softened and browned remove and leave to cool. Stir over a salad (an exotic salad recipe is the red pepper, mango, avocado, onions - green or white as desired - fresh basil, chopped, seasoned it with salt, pepper and lemon juice).The salad and sweet potato can be used raw, grated, carrot.
Sweet potato gratin
2 large sweet potatoes (ca. 1kg)
2 large potatoes normal (with bark of the red, not white)
1 cup half cream
1 cup Gruyere cheese half (or other cheese)
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Peel potatoes and cut into slices not very thick (3-4 mm). Prepare casserole / yena / baking pan (I greased with butter and a slightly dusted with breadcrumbs). Cut potatos into disks (3-4mm thick) put them in a bowl and mix them with three quarter cup of cream, then place them in layers in yena. Pour remaining cream on top and cover with grated cheese. Cover with Aluminium foil and put it in the oven at 400 degrees ca. 40 minutes. Remove the foil and leave in the oven for another 20-25 minutes until the potatoes are soft and the cheese nicely brown.
If anyone (especially my NC friends from over the sea) has some interesting recipes please let me have it at
Good Appetite!
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